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Meet Becky


Since becoming a mother, the importance of self-care and creating your “village” is so incredibly important. During my pregnancy with my daughter, I was surrounded by my midwives, therapist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, and my chiropractors. Pregnancy and postpartum is no small feat, but having everyone in your corner is what every woman and family deserves. Every week my husband and daughter pile into our car so we can all make our way to Pine Coast. We have become closer as a family keeping each other accountable while learning how to care for one another and ourselves. This office is our safe space and where we all go and have the freedom to be our most vulnerable, while also having the best time. 


While caring for myself, I have in turn, helped those around me. If we all decided to put ourselves first in whatever capacity that may look like, we can all show up every day for one another. I approach interactions with others with integrity and compassion while also being a friendly face. I hope to make your family feel as welcome as mine has been. 


When I’m not at Pine Coast, you can find me at your local eatery, at the beach all year round with my family and our dog (Fern), working in the garden or just slowing down and taking a walk. How lucky are we to live in this gorgeous state and how lucky am I to get to know each of you and be a part of your journey! I am incredibly excited to be joining this wonderful team at Pine Coast. See you soon! 

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